Back Analyses of Two Deep Excavations in Hong Kong Using the Mohr-Coulomb Model with Linear Elasticity and the Hardening Soil Model

Charles C L Chan, Derek S M Chiu, Frankie L C Lo, Julian S H Kwan, S W Lee, Alex C O Leung

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The design of deep excavations in densely developed urban settings calls for critical assessments of the effects on sensitive receivers in the vicinity of the site.  The linearly elastic, perfectly plastic Mohr-Coulomb (LEPP MC) model is one of the most commonly used soil constitutive models for numerical analysis in the routine design of deep excavation.  However, it had been reported that the model may provide unrealistic predictions of excavation-induced ground movements and interactions with adjacent structures in some situations.  A better understanding of the model applicability in various ground conditions would be needed.  This paper presents: 1) two case histories of deep excavation for comparing the results from the LEPP MC model and the Hardening Soil (HS) model (a more advanced soil constitutive model), and 2) the sensitivity of the HS model by varying the input of stiffness parameters.


Soil model, Back analysis, Finite element, Deep excavation


Chan, C., Chiu, D., Lo, F., Kwan, J., Lee, S., Leung, A. (2021). Back Analyses of Two Deep Excavations in Hong Kong Using the Mohr-Coulomb Model with Linear Elasticity and the Hardening Soil Model, Vol. 7, Issue 1, p.137-163. doi: 10.4417/IJGCH-07-01-07


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