ISSMGE International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories

The International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories is an official journal of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, the premier scientific organization for geotechnical engineering worldwide. The Case Histories Journal covers the broad area of practice in geotechnical engineering (soils and rocks), including geotechnical earthquake engineering, environmental geotechnics and engineering geology, and energy geo-construction.

The Case Histories Journal is a peer-review, diamond-level open access journal on the geotechnical engineering practice with a focus on careful documentation of case histories with and emphasis on observations and data collected during and after project construction. Papers are reviewed by a distinguished international Editorial Board and a selected number of reviewers. All paper published in the journal are accompanied by electronic data for better documentation of each case history.

Latest Published Case History Papers

Assessing Undrained Shear Strength in the Antucoya Mine Waste Dump

Moffat, R., Duarte, B.



undrained shear strength in-situ testing CPT DMT slope stability


A plan to increase the current height of a mine waste dump necessitates implementing a comprehensive testing program. This program includes in-situ tests such as SCPT, DMT, and dissipation tests, as well as laboratory tests such as soil classification and undrained triaxial tests. Additionally, moni...

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Monitoring and Process Control of Deep Vertical Vibratory Compaction Using Resonance Amplification

Massarsch, K.



Compaction CPTU horizontal stress pre-stressing resonance sand vibration vibrator shear wave speed


Compaction trials using deep vertical vibratory compaction in a hydraulic fill are reported. The compaction system consisted of a vibrator with variable frequency and a flexible, double Y-shaped probe. Openings in the probe reduced the dynamic weight and enhanced the probe-ground interaction. The co...

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MSE Wall Behavior during Large Truck Impact at High Speed against Barrier on Top of Wall

Briaud, J.



MSE wall pullout load crash test barrier TL5 numerical simulation measured behavior full-scale test


Some 45 years ago the total number of annual deaths on US roadways was slightly over 50,000. In 2020, this number has been reduced to less than 39,000 even while the number of kilometers traveled has almost doubled. One of the major contributing factors to this life-saving improvement is the develop...

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Large Diameter TBM Tunnelling Beneath New Reclamation

Lee, S., Leung, C., Cheung, C., Wijesooriya, T., Schwob, A.



barrette confinement pressure consolidation reclamation settlement TBM tunnel volume loss


The Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link (TMCLKL) project successfully completed a 14 m diameter slurry mix-shield tunnel boring machine (TBM) tunnelling in Alluvium, beneath a recently reclaimed land. The in situ clayey Marine Deposits and Alluvium were subject to ongoing consolidation and creep settlements ...

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Influence of Increased Confining Stress on Undrained Behavior of Tailings: A Case History at the Candelaria Mine

Robertson, P. K., Brouwer, K., Sully, T. E., Gagnon, A.



case history tailings undrained strength effective stress


Recent failures of mine tailings structures in Brazil have highlighted the importance of the undrained behavior of loose tailings. Loose, saturated tailings can experience significant and rapid strength loss if triggered to behave undrained under shear, and this process has been described as either ...

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Post-Liquefaction Free-Field Ground Settlement Case Histories

Olaya, F. R., Bray, J. D.



case histories CPT free-field site liquefaction settlement


Liquefaction-induced ground settlement is a complex process resulting from the combined effects of particle sedimentation and soil reconsolidation due to post-shaking dissipation of excess pore-water pressure. Current empirical models are based on a limited number of field case histories. Consequent...

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Probabilistic Assessment and Comparison of Scour Protections at Horns Rev 3 and Egmond aan Zee Offshore Wind Farms

Chambel, J., Fazeres-Ferradosa, T., Figueiredo, R., Rosa-Santos, P., Pinto, F. T.



Offshore wind scour scour protection probability of failure reliability


Offshore wind foundations have seen a remarkable growth in over the last three decades. Up to date, this growth has been mainly registered in North Sea locations, where water depths do not exceed 30 m and monopile diameters typically range between 4 to 9 m. In these cases, scour phenomena can be a m...

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Bridge Abutment Remediation – A Case Study

Sundaram, M., Sugawara, J., Sivakumar, S.



Transport and Main Roads rainfall failures remediation temporary works permanent works


Record-breaking rainfall events in parts of eastern Australia—particularly, most recently, in Queensland—resulted in severe flooding and property damage. Transport and Main Roads assets were not spared from destruction caused by these events. The severe rainfall and flooding resulted in ...

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Latest Announcements



117,260 paper downloads in 2024 for the ISSMGE International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories!


The ISSMGE International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories is proud to announce that its papers were downloaded 117,260 times in 2024 (up 17% from 100,103 downloads in 2023). The International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories is an official journal of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, the premier scientific organization for geotechnical engineering worldwide. The […]

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100,103 paper downloads in 2023 for the ISSMGE International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories!


The ISSMGE International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories is proud to announce that its papers were downloaded 100,103 times in 2023 (up 12.24% from 89,184 downloads in 2022). The International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories is an official journal of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, the premier scientific organization for geotechnical engineering worldwide. The […]

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Vol. 7, Issue 3 of the IJGCH has been released!


We are pleased to announce the Issue #3 of Volume #7 of the International Journal of Geoengineering Case Histories, an official Journal of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE). Papers published in this refereed journal are freely available in color and are accompanied by databases that include the electronic data presented […]

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